ALPS 2008
  For almost forty years I've been dreaming of riding the Alps. When I started on two wheels at the age of 16, there were two rides that were the 'real deal', the epitome of all rides. One was to ride out West and see the wonders of the Rockies and the Coast. The other was to go to Europe and ride the Alps with all of their mystery and beauty. At the time, the idea of a poor southern country boy like me every doing either one of them was simply out of the question. But a feller can't help but dream and some dreams you just don't give up on. Having done the West more than once, I finally will do what I could scarely imagine ever possible - ride the Alps. Come ride with Dave, Moff, Peter, Fi, Bob and me as we explore the beauty ...    

and the challenges of some of the best motorcycling on the planet.

Winging my way to the ride of a lifetime.
Couldn't fit a sandwich between my mirrors and the adjacent car ...
A solemn British voice reads one name after another ...
What I know about the Autobahn could be put into my shoe ...
As I look out, I have to pinch myself so I can make sure that ...
Soon I get my initiation into the 'hairpin club' ...
Evidently our previous bovine magistrate wanted to be sure we left ...
But on this ride down unbelievable hairpins, Dave radios to me ...
To sample as many Dolomite passes as we can squeeze in today ...
We encounter a new species that will prove to plague us all day ...
A little receipt that says on the bottom -"da presetame per il rimborso"
I figure I'm starting to get continental and all of that stuff now ...
Where it is easy to become lost in their thoughts and in the clouds ...
I'll just borrow your room for 30 minutes or so and I should be fine ...
I am still fascinated that we can legally do 100+ mph ...
Since they have his name written on a plate on the ...
You think that they would have at least worn masks when they rob you
One of the great sweetnesses of life are the memories that we make